Travel Photos: Amarbayasgalant Monastery (Mongolia)
Dear Friends,
I wanted to share some photos from our visit to Amarbayasgalant Monastery in the Iven Valley near the Selenge river in Mongolia in July 2024. This magnificent and ancient monastery is around a 5-6 hours' drive from Mongolia's capital city, Ulaanbaatar. It was built built between 1727 and 1737 by the Manchu emperor Yongzheng (Qing Dynasty) and gifted to the Zanabazar, the first Jestundamba Khutuktu, the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia.
The Monastery is very special as it is one of the few in the country to have survived Mongolia's own cultural revolution and the Stalinist purges. In 1988, restoration work began and there were many sacred texts that were found within the monastery. Some were in good condition, whilst many were completely destroyed. Today, there are around 25 monks that attend the monastery with prayers and ceremonies conducted regularly. (During its peak, the monastery housed 10 schools, 50 temples and over 2000 monks!)
Devotees from far and near attend the monastery, and the faith shown is nothing but remarkable. My mother pointed out a young man who was carrying his frail and elderly mother on his back to visit the monastery when we were at the main prayer hall. Touched by the sight, she gifted her own mala away to the elderly woman.
Tibet Shop Sydney has been contributing in its own small way to the monastery for three years now. We hope to continue supporting this monastery in the years to come.
We also have a very special and personal connection to this monastery. My father served as a personal aide to Guru Deva Lama Rinpoche, who organised restoration efforts in this monastery in the early 90s.
If you, dear reader, ever happen to travel to Mongolia, then this monastery is a must-visit destination.
Dhondup @ TSS.