Our Small Singing Bowls: New items added

Our Small Singing Bowls: New items added

Tibet Shop Sydney is pleased to announce that our popular small singing bowls are finally back in stock. We've added a good range of them on to our website and invite you to see and hear them online.

Small Singing Bowl Types (on our site)

  • Tara bowls: These hand hammered bowls are old and relatively light to hold and play
  • Small Contemporary Bowls: These hand hammered bowls are new and slightly heavier.

Playing Small Singing Bowls

Small bowls work best when tapped with a hardwood mallet (provided free during purchase). They are harder to ring compared to larger bowls, and may take practice. Here are a few tips to ring small bowls:

  1. Tap the bowl lightly first before you start rubbing the bowl
  2. Apply pressure and use a firm grip as you rub around the rim
  3. Try ringing with the wooden end of the mallet instead of the felt tip, if you're still having difficulty.

Working with Small Singing Bowls

Due to their size, the vibrations from these singing bowls will be weak compared to their larger counterparts. However, their high pitch makes them very noticeable.

As a general rule, the larger the bowl, the stronger the vibrations, and the louder they will be. In a sound bath/healing session, small bowls are used when working with the upper chakras. They are also used in meditation, mindfulness and mantra recitation sessions.


Please note that we will continue to update the website and upload more bowls as they continue to sell. We recommend purchasing sooner than later, as it is very unlikely that two bowls will be the same.

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